Specialist in therapies for cancer care and immune system.
Active member of FABNO and MATC.
Member of the Society of Integrative Oncology in the USA.
Director of clinical cancer research at the Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore – USA.
Professor of oncology and urology at the University Johns Hopkins, Baltimore-USA.
Director of oncology and research at the Clinic Johns Hopkins, Baltimore-USA.
Attending Physician at Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore-USA
Integrative Oncology at Johns Hopkins: Looking back, status quo, an exciting future.
Medical Oncologist Autonomous University of Barcelona, San Pau Hospital in Barcelona.
Anthroposophical physician certified by the Goetheanum, Switzerland
Medical Director Integrative Oncology Clinic, Barcelona, Spain
Cancer Stem Cells (CTCs): New Revolution in the oncology paradigm.
Cancer stem cells (CTCs): Their role in the progressive oncogenesis. A challenge for therapy with viscum album in the XXI century.
Significance of Heat (hyperthermia) in Oncology, Immunoediting: Tumor progression and reverse oncogenesis.
Viscum album as a systemic thermoregulator and the Endogenous hyperthermia continued. psycho-oncology, immunity and heat.
Administration of mistletoe in patients with concomitant diseases, comorbidities and special situations.
Useful advanced applications of mistletoe in palliative patients.
Integrative support treatments during the conventional treatment.
State-of-the-art intravenous integrative medicine in the treatment of cancer beyond vitamin C
Clinical immunologist, University of Sciences Business and Social, Buenos Aires – Argentina.
Biological Physician, Biological Medicine Center, Cali, Colombia.
Clinical Immunology – Hospital Carlos G. Durando, Buenos Aires, Argentina)